Results for DVO Colour coded, Linacre, 08/01/2006

Sunday 13:53 provisional results uploaded
Monday All comments now added
Wednesday Final results now posted


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String Course results

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Organisers Comments

Thanks to everyone for turning up today and exceeding our expectations on such a gloomy day. We were relatively lucky with the weather as the car park proved 'interesting' enough as it was. The vast majority of people saw our predicament and took it with good humour; a tiny minority adopted the sort of attitude that cause volunteers to stop helping which, if they did, would mean we wouldn't have any events at all. If you can't show a bit of humour under adversity then …

Anyway, my particular thanks to all the DVO helpers who, as usual, willingly gave of their time to ensure that the event ran smoothly. Whilst I have helped Viv, my wife, in her recent organising exploits, this was the first time I had taken the lead role for many years. You can be the judge of how well it worked, but Viv must take much credit for helping me beforehand, on the day and in sorting out the finances!

Thanks also to Fran Williams in her first major role since joining DVO after moving down from Scotland and to Brian and Pauline Ward. I didn't hear a single complaint apart from the date of the map - again remember it's mainly volunteers who do our mapping and we have to set priorities; this will be one of the next.

My job was made slightly harder by the fact that so many people's email addresses are out of date on both the Yahoo Group and membership list - please let Paul Berefsord, DVO Secretary have your up to date details, unless you are just trying to avoid helping by proving difficult to contact!

Lost property: one bright yellow Ron Hill glove. Contact me on 01629 734307 or

Ranald Macdonald

Planners Report

This was my first attempt at planning a course in the East Midlands having just moved from Edinburgh. I was warned about the fierce brambles at Linacre, and I naively thought they couldn't be as rough as some of the tussocks in Scotland ……. I was wrong! I did try to plan to avoid some of the worst patches, but at the end of the day it was inevitable that all of the longer courses would have to encounter the thorns at some point. I hope that they didn't cause you too many problems - I am now off to order some of CompasPoint's finest bramble bashers to avoid the embarrassment of grazed legs at the gym!

Surprisingly, I found the shorter courses the most difficult to plan mainly because I usually run blues or browns myself. I found the orange course particularly difficult to judge as the guidelines suggest that controls 'can be on line features, or on prominent point or contour features'…… there was just too much choice! I hope that it didn't prove to challenging in the end.

Some of the times on the blue and the brown were slightly shorter than the guidelines would suggest - I didn't want to force competitor through another patch of brambles unnecessarily. Again, I hope that this didn't spoil the fun.

Many thanks to Brian and Pauline Ward for all their help and guidance. I am looking forward to some more tussockless orienteering in the East Midlands.

Fran Williams


Controller's Report

This has to be the most out-of-date map that I have come across as a controller but if it's any consolation I can assure you that any remaining stock will be consigned to the waste bin! Thank you for your patience in dealing with all the corrections.

Despite this, I believe that we provided a good morning's sport. Fran designed some excellent courses that most people seemed to enjoy despite the mud and brambles. Some people complained about the condition of site 128 which degenerated into a mud bath; I should have remembered to move the stake a few metres away from the junction - sorry!

Thanks are due to Ranald & his team for coping with difficult conditions in the car park, and a special thank you goes to my wife, Pauline, for assisting with the controlling task.

Brian Ward


Linacre String Course Results				

 No. 	 Name 	 	Age 	 Club 	Time
 1 	 Lucy Brown 	6 	 NOC 	5 mins
 2 	 Amy Kimberley 	10 	 DVO 	3 mins
 3 	 Hamish Mill 	6 		6 mins
 4 	 Elizabeth Mill 3 		8 mins
 5 	 Philip Wiegand 7 	 SYO 	5 mins
 6 	 Adam Wiegand 	4 	 SYO 	11  mins
 7 	 Jack Lord 	8 	 NOC 	3 mins
 8 	 Ben Nash 	2 		9 mins 
 9 	 Emily Nash 	5 		9 mins
 10 	 Sarah Duckworth 4 	 DVO 	8 mins
 11 	 Rachel Duckworth 2 	 DVO 	12 mins 
 12 	 Jessica Beresford 8 	 DVO 	4 mins
 13 	 Euan Tebbult 	7 	 LEI 	5 mins 
 14 	 Ethan Tebbult 	4 	 LEI 	7 mins 
 15 	 Ben Beresford 	10 	 DVO 	4 mins
 16 	 Becky Mead 	11 	 DVO 	2 mins 
 17 	 Samuel Davis 	3 	 DVO 	8 mins
 18 	 Joe Field 	4 	 EBOR 	6 mins
 19 	 Kirsty Hanley 	5 	 SYO 	6 mins
 20 	 Ronan Sahni 			6 mins

	 Well done to all those who took part on the string course on such a wet, muddy day! 			
	 I apologise for any mis-spelt names, but the time sheet became rather smudged in the rain .   			


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